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Battlefield 4

There have been 11 battlefield games released since 2002 and until Battlefield 4 the series was under the shadow of the Call of Duty series. A large part of the gaming landscape of 2013 was the end of Black Ops II and the new Call of Duty Ghosts. However, Ghosts was a disaster on the franchise and Ill release a review telling exactly why eventually. Because of this other titles and franchises were able to take the stage. That's how I found Battlefield 4 and since the open beta, I still see this game as my favorite military shooter. Battlefield 4, to me, is the magnum opus of DICE and EA.

The fabulous graphics of the Frostbite engine were so good that to this day, its the only video game engine I know by name. The explosions are beautiful, and the different landscapes and colors of this game are enthralling. The sounds and visual effects such as lens flare, and textures in 2013 made the experience absolutely. Even 4 years later the graphics are still comparable. The atmospheres on Silk Road and Propaganda really took gamers away from the world to the deserts of northern China and the streets of North Korea in winter. The visual side of the Battlefield has always been exceptional but Battlefield 4 used the engine to create amazingly riveting atmospheres for each map.

For people that are looking for a good single player experience with a game should not look for it in Battlefield 4. The campaign section of the game does not hold up to the glory that Battlefield Bad Company 2 had it felt like it was rushed and created too quickly. Possibly the campaign was rushed so fast due to the developers wanting to put the full effort into the multiplayer aspect. there are several broken parts of the maps and areas you can fall through the map or glitch into objects. Also, my absolute least favorite part of the campaign is once the campaign is started you cannot take a break and turn off your console without having to restart the entire story mode. The overall campaign felt like a struggle to get through because of all the glitches and frustrations and the only reason that a player could justify playing through it was the unlockable weapons and the achievements. The story is bland and forgettable and, just like a lot of military FPS games, has little to no substance at all.  Though I love this game I really cannot defend how rushed and unpolished this campaign is.

The downloadable content was well worth the price for premium. All the different map packs are now free for any players wanting to pick the game up now. Each map pack gave a whole new experience to the game and each different map has a completely different playstyle. Along with the maps, there are also new weapons that you can unlock. My only gripe is that some of these weapons
Can create a gap between normal and premium players. However, these different map packs are definitely worth the premium because of how diverse and manifold they are.

Vehicles are super prominent and influential in this game and the use of them can change the entire battlefield and your teams chance to win. There is a huge assortment of vehicles in Battlefield that changes the entire landscape of how the game is played based on what map you are on and what vehicles are available. Players can drive a dirtbike across the desert of Silk Road or a snowmobile over a frozen lake in Hammerhead. the vehicles themselves add another element of how a map will be played.

There are over 60 different weapons that can be unlocked in the game. Each class has its own specific gadgets and weapons classes. Scouts are able to have sniper rifles, and assaults have assault rifles at the disposal. Because the different gadgets and weapons available to certain classes forces those classes into certain playstyles and take a specific game role. A large portion of the players does not always stick to these play styles though. There are so many assaults out there who don't see their role as medics and plenty of supports who fail to complete their missions. This, however, is not a flaw of the game but more of the fan base.

The leveling system of the different classes and weapon types makes it so you can master a specific type of weapon or class and then you reach a max level. After a specific discipline is leveled you cannot receive experience from that field anymore. These mechanic forces players to try and play differently than they normally wouldn't. This may be tiresome to some players but I believe that this is how DICE gets their player base to try different things and expand their repertoire.

Battlefield 4 is a great game that really expanded the popularity of the franchise. This games very diverse maps, weapons, and the class system is so different than any of the games of its era. This game is great for multiple friends to squad up and play even now. My personal favorite military shooter game to date and I look forward to any new releases of this series.
